In this digital era of the Internet, where you can share your content online, you need to ensure that your content reaches viewers. In other words, the success of your online presence relies heavily on the traffic you get. Website traffic means the number of people that visit your website.

Written By:

Sindhu AdariIndian School of Mines Dhanbad Link to LinkedIn Profile
Aaryan KumarLovely Professional UniversityLink to LinkedIn Profile
Above is the list of authors who worked together to write this article.

How Articles Help in Increasing Search Traffic

It is evident to say that articles are extremely useful in enhancing the amount of search traffic. In other words, articles that offer the reader value, are timely and properly optimized for search engines can rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs) and therefore attract the attention of the readers. High-quality articles are also capable of attracting back links from other superior sites. This is beneficial for your SEO optimization campaign. Also, good articles attract the readers and make them spend more time on a given site, thus viewing more articles. 

How to write good articles to increase your website traffic

1.Choose a Relevant and Trending Topic 

An important aspect that has to be looked at, would be the selection of the right topic suited for the target audience. To carry out this method, one can enter the questioned keywords in Google Trends, BuzzSumo, and AnswerThePublic to identify current trends. Look at what competitors are putting out into the market and discover if some issues are not well explained enough.  

2.Conduct Thorough Keyword Research 

Find Good Keyword

 The selection of a good keyword is important for writing an article. Keyword selection is one of the most crucial activities in any search engine optimization marketing strategy as it plays a crucial role in ranking your article higher on search engines like google, yahoo, etc. There are many tools available online that can give details like Keyword Difficulty(KD) and Keyword Search volume for particular keywords. 

Keyword Difficulty is a metric that estimates how hard it’ll be to rank a particular webpage on search engines. It’s usually LOW, MEDIUM and HARD where LOW means that the webpage will be easy to rank whereas HARD means that it won’t be easy to rank. KD depends on many factors like the amount of articles present online with that keyword.  Whereas, Keyword Search volume estimates that how much a particular keyword is searched on search engines.  

You should use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Ubersuggest to find keywords that are searched frequently but have less competition. Keywords with low KD and high Search Volumes are generally considered to make your article rank well. 

If you have an online business that deals in digital marketing, then ‘content marketing strategies’ or ‘SEO tips’ are likely to be good targets. Also, use the longer keywords as they provide more details and as a result, there is a lesser competition as compared to short keywords.  

Importance of Good Headline and How to Write It 

After the selection of a good keyword, it’s time to include a good Headline. The headline is going to be the first thing that a user will get and decide whether to visit the page or not. So, it’s very crucial to write a good, attractive, and eye-catching headline. Always ensure the headline has the main keyword and is communicating to the viewers about the article that is going to be delivered. That is why it is recommended to use open, filling it with power words, numbers or questions, respectively. For instance, “10 SEO Techniques You Can’t Afford to Miss to Increase Your Website Traffic” is more inviting than “SEO Tips.” 

3.Optimize for SEO 

On-page SEO is very crucial in enhancing the visibility of the article you intend to post. It is also important to include your primary and secondary keywords within the text naturally. It is advisable to ensure that meta titles and descriptions are also effectively tuned as well as the incorporation of alt text in images. It’s important to include the keyword in the alt text of images too. Make your article more structured by including headings (H2, H3) and subheadings thereby making your article more readable and SEO-friendly. Don’t use your keywords too much in the headings of the articles. Search engine’s algorithm might rank your article low after detecting too many of the same keywords used in headings. 

4.Write High-Quality, Valuable Content 

The content is the most important part of an article, and it should be written with great care. The content should be useful, practical, and, in a way, entertaining. Before writing an article, you should be aware of the topic. For this, you can also take the help of many articles available online but make sure not to copy the whole content from them. It should only be used for reference. Copying content from other articles is an act of plagiarism and search engine’s algorithm can detect it and rank it low in search results. 

Give thorough analyses of the topic and easy-to-understand recommendations. Make sure that you have data, statistics, and examples to justify the opinions (if any). To make the article easily consumable and informal, stick to using the tone of the conversation. Also, include your keywords in the main content of the article. 

While writing the content, keep in mind not to copy the content from somewhere else. Doing this can make your articles rank low as well as it will affect your whole website. Before publishing articles, check them using a plagiarism checker like Grammarly Plagiarism, etc. You should also avoid copying content from AI like GPT, Gemini, or Claude. These AIs can be used to get a general idea, explanations or any details about the topic. You should check your article on AI detectors before publishing. Some famous AI detector tools are QuillBot AI Detectorand Writer

5.Add Visual Elements 

In your article, you should save links and schemes to enhance the looks of an ordinary article with high-quality images, infographics, and charts. Some of the benefits of using visual elements include preventing the monotony of plain text, and not forgetting the ease with which people can comprehend written text. Insert the relevant video clips to add extra value and possibly explain some regularly harder concepts. Remember to add your keyword in the alt attribute of the images that you are inserting. Doing this will make the image from your website load in the image of search engines like Google and eventually it will lead some of the users to visit your page and read your article. 

6.Engagement with Audience 

After the reader has read your article, they might want to add some comments. This is a good way of interacting with your audience. So don’t forget to add a comment section below your article. This can also persuade the reader to give their comment and impression on the issue. Also, to ensure the article is read, circulate it in a newsletter that subscribers can use to keep alongside with content on your site. Gathering the readers’ email through a subscription form allows you to create a database of core readers. 

7.Promoting Your Article 

This cannot be overemphasized as promotion plays a great role in getting your article out there to the public. Make people aware of your work by sharing your article with friends via the social media accounts that you have. Send the article to your subscribers through the lists from the server using the email marketing technique. Other websites should be contacted for guest posts and backlinking solutions. Gaining quality backlinks to your website is helpful to your ranking on the search engine and increases the visitor traffic to the site.

Additional Tips for Article  

Monitor the Article After Publishing: Monitor the amount of traffic your article generates using website analytics or Google Analytics, Google Search Console, etc. Use analytical tools, to check the particularities of a page view, time on a page, bounce rate, and social shares. You can also check that using which keywords people are landing on your page. This can be a great way to decide keywords for your future articles. 

Edit and Update Regularly: Articles should also be updated from time to time with new information to make them useful to the readers, especially if you use the year in your article heading. Also editing for clarification and accuracy can enhance the way the articles are read and the sites’ ranking on search engines. You can also modify your articles based on the feedback you get from the comment section. 

Consistency is Key: It is good to post content consistently so that the followers never run short of something new to read. Updating your content shows the visitors as well as the search engine spiders that your site is active and credible. 

Interlink Your Articles: To keep the readers interested and benefit from improved SEO of your website you have to link to other relevant articles on your website. 

Give References/credits: It is good to add references of other articles on your webpage. You can add websites that you used to gather data, statistics, etc. Also don’t forget to give credit to the image that you are using in your article. You shouldn’t add copyrighted images in your article. This can downgrade the reputation of your website. 

Spam Filter: Adding spam filter in the comment can help your article from downgrading. Search Engines usually downgrade your website if the articles contain too much spam comments. Also removing every spam comment manually is not an easy task. Hence, it is recommended to use a spam filter. 

Additional SEO Tips to keep in mind 

  1. Writing only articles won’t help you too much in ranking your website on top. There are many things that the search engine’s algorithm checks on your website like website loading speed, User Experience, design, and backlinks. 
  2. Backlink is a key factor in website SEO. Backlinks serve as a signal of trust and authority to search engines like Google. So, getting backlinks from top and trusted websites can help your page trend top on Google. For example, backlinks provided by Wikipedia are highly valuable. 


To increase your website traffic through articles, start by choosing relevant and trending topics. Conduct thorough keyword research to find high-search-volume, low-competition keywords. Write compelling headlines and optimize for SEO by incorporating keywords naturally. Create high-quality, valuable content with visual elements like images and videos. Engage with your audience through comments and newsletters and promote your article on social media and via email marketing. Regularly monitor and update your articles using analytics tools. Maintain consistency in posting, interlink your articles, and use spam filters in comments. Additionally, ensure your website has good loading speed, user experience, and backlinks from trusted sites. 

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your website traffic through effective article writing. 

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